Army Contracting Command-Rock Island is one of six centers under purview of the U.S. Army Contracting Command. Located on the historic Rock Island Arsenal, our workforce provides support to Soldiers, civilians and contractors from an island in the middle of the Mississippi River.
We support the readiness of the nation’s service members by employing fiscally sound, innovative acquisition techniques.
Our award-winning support starts at home: We acquire the RIA Garrison’s logistics and maintenance services. However, our impact extends far beyond the installation’s gates with a global reach.
We have staff located at several U.S.-based locations supporting our Munitions and Industrial Base mission, and we acquire a wide array of ammunition, pyrotechnics, grenades and bomb components. Employees also contract for the production support, supplies and services for the nation’s Government Owned-Contractor Operated and Government Owned-Government operated facilities; as well as acquire the facilities, equipment and services that are eliminating the nation’s chemical warfare materiel and removing low-level radioactive waste worldwide.
From Rock Island Arsenal, the work we do reaches across the world, with performance in every Combatant Command; covering places such as Kwajalein Atoll, Korea, Soto Cano, European Nations, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. Our Power Projection and Base Readiness Directorate contracting professionals leverage the Army’s strategic programs such as LOGCAP, EAGLE, Security, along with a myriad of other contract vehicles to procure the services and supplies that our nation’s logisticians and service members need: full base operation support, transportation, maintenance, food services, training assistance, and security services, to name a few.
Our Strategic Information Technology (IT) and Cyber Directorate supports the constantly evolving needs of the nation’s defense by supporting IT programs that enable the DoD to develop, modernize, defend and manage the Army’s network and enterprise business systems; help the Army run more efficiently through artificial intelligence; help to deliver cyber security initiatives and obtain hardware/software and post production support. This Directorate delivers critical contracting solutions on a global basis that provides a decisive information advantage to the Army.
The sun never sets on ACC-RI’s support of the Soldier, the Army, and the DEFENSE of our nation!
While our headquarters resides on Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., ACC-RI has a wide geographical reach with personnel deployed to support the mission in forward areas such as Southwest Asia, as well as permanent staff located across the United States as depicted on the map below:
ACC-RI stands with the Soldier, applying skill and imagination to meet fluid requirements with a smart and disciplined solution set.
Ms. Lynda Armer
Executive Director
View Biography
Deliver decisive contracting solutions across the full spectrum of conflict as part of the Joint Force, Anytime, Anywhere.
Operationalized to provide contracting solutions to enable and sustain a Globally Dominant Land Force.
Army Contracting Command - Rock Island (ACC-RI)
3055 Rodman Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61299-8000
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